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  • Kyle Smith

Christmas Blog

Enjoy your Christmas by being kind to yourself.

The festive period is the time to reconnect with family, friends and loved ones. Share gifts, love and create lasting memories. Unless your in-laws don’t get on then.. well…then.. good luck. But in all seriousness us athlete types can take our sport a little too seriously. The stressing and worrying about missing those sessions around the festive period are all too real. Life gets busy in the festive period. And that's okay. But for most, we do this sport because it’s fun and we enjoy it. So don't let sport become the grinch that stole your Xmas. Here are some of the things I like to remeber to make my Christmas more enjoyable.

It’s stressful enough, Don't add straw to the camel's back.

I’m sure you’re all well aware that Christmas is a stressful day. Whether it's juggling kids, the in-laws or the mountains of commitments you've made. Don’t be so hard on yourself to bust out that swim, bike ride or run to add to your mountain of commitments, it can be the straw that broke the camel's back. Then how would the wise men get all that sweet Frankincense to the baby J. Last year I made the whole family wait to start their festivities so I could get in a couple of sessions beforehand. No prizes for guessing who was the least favourite at the lunch table... It was me... Like I said, No prizes. This year I’m having a day of fun. Whether that means getting out on the trails for a mountain bike or sitting on the sofa sipping coffee, I don't know. But I do know I'm going to relax and enjoy the 25th this year. No commitments to train at all.

Or do Train.

That's not to say don’t get out there. There are a lot of ‘ type 2’ fun kind of people out there who wouldn't be able to keep the family game of monopoly cival without their hit of running endorphins. That's great, go for it. also if you're ever wondering who has busted out a xmas day training session. Don't worry, they'll tell you.I like to have another chocolate everytime I see a tweet of someone out “getting it done” or “earning dessert”. Everyone knows what i’m talking about right? I’m just kidding. I do absolutely love training but there's only a few opportunities to spend a full day with your favourite people and I like to make it count.

Make the most of it.

The year is 365 days long and Christmas is only 1 day. That’s 0.27% of the year. There aint a lot of fitness you can gain or lose on that one day. But there's a whole lot of laughing, enjoyment and lifelong memories to be had. In the big picture it's not going to matter if you have a few beers, piggies in blankets and a few extra slices of pavlova. Go nuts, make the most of it and enjoy your well earnt christmas treats. We can be so hard on ourselves as athletes that we forget to fill our soul bucket back up and live like a human for a bit. I certainly feel like I have a huge amount of ‘Happiness watts’ when I've enjoyed myself. It’s a real thing. believe me. So enjoy your day. A relaxing day. You have permission. From me. That’s my gift to you.

Take care, Kyle

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